Agency for Acreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia

Agency for Acreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia

Secondary and Tertiary Health Care Accreditation Standards

Standards for accreditation of general hospitals may be divided into three categories:

– Patient care standards: These standards are structured to follow the patient care process, from the time of admission to a patient care service through assessment, planning and delivery of care, to discharge from the service. Standards specific to the operating room, emergency service and special care have been provided for individual services.

– Support service standards: Support services, as the title implies, are services within the health care facility which support the delivery of patient care. Three support service sections have been developed: environment (which included: infection control, medical waste management, disasters and emergencies, central sterilization and safety of equipment, supplies, medical devices and space), information management and human resources. Only certain areas, based on priorities for concentration and development, were targeted in these standards.

– Leadership: These standards cover the leadership of the hospitals. Sections have been developed for governance and for management. Again, only certain areas, based on priorities for concentration and development, were targeted.
If you are involved in the accreditation process on this page you can download the standards for accreditation of hospitals.

Contact phone: +381(0)11-7151-722, fax: +381(0)11-7151-724, email: