Agency for Acreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia

Agency for Acreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia

About standards for accreditation

Standard is the desired level of performance that can be achieved and with whom the current levels of performance can be compared.
Accreditation is based on the standards that need to be met and it can be achieved by a series of activities that have been defined by criteria. Each standard has more than one criterion. The criteria are clear steps, i.e. activities to be undertaken to meet the standard.
AZUS standards for accreditation are developed by the experts in the certain field. The draft of standards for accreditation of general hospitals and health care centres were developed within the Project “Serbia Health Project”, of the Ministry of Health of Republic of Serbia, funded by the World Bank loan. On behalf of the Ministry of Health of Republic of Serbia, these documents are the result of joint work of the Work Group for accreditation of the Ministry of Health and the international consultant for accreditation, ms Elma Heidemann.
In the process of revision of existing and development of new AZUS standards, a number of partners will be consulted in order to ensure that developed standards are applicable, measurable, and support quality of provided services and patient safety.
We provide guidance and support staff in health care facilities, in order to help them in meeting the requirements of these standards and facilitate the continuing process of health care services improvement.
The standards include the optimum standards of quality and security and are focused on improving the quality of health care, within Serbian health care facilities. Currently the standards for accreditation of laboratory service, radiology diagnostic service and pharmacy service are being developed.

Contact phone: +381(0)11-7151-722, fax: +381(0)11-7151-724, email: