Agency for Acreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia

Agency for Acreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia

What is a surveyor?

The surveyor is a person, appointed by the Agency for Accreditation of Health Care Institutions of Serbia, who in the process of accreditation, during visits to health care facilities, evaluates quality of work and writes report.
Surveyor’s profile involves:

– Professional experience in the certain areas of health care (physician, nurse, lawyer, economist)
– Current working experience in the same or similar health care facility
– The use and interpretation of AZUS standards for accreditation and assessment process
– Good interpersonal skills, as well as observation, interviewing and writing reports skills
– Certificates in the field of quality improvement of health care and accreditation
– Ability to work as a team member, flexibility, objectivity
– Skills in managing interview, listening skills, observation and analytical skills
– Ability for continuing education and training
– Good physical and mental health

Surveyor’s role is to prove the validity of self-assessment and to independently assess the standards level, supporting this assessment with clearly documented evidence. Surveyor identifies improvement opportunities and further development and makes recommendations regarding the deficiencies.

Contact phone: +381(0)11-7151-722, fax: +381(0)11-7151-724, email: