Agency for Acreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia

Agency for Acreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia

AZUS has developed programs for hospitals, health care centres and existing standards will be continuously reviewed, improved and new chapters will be developed. Program for tertiary health care is currently being developed.

For AZUS accreditation is a continuous process of improving the quality of work, in which health care institutions and employees manage their own development. Stages of self- assessment, finding areas that can be improved and/or develop, as well as additional monitoring, has the main role in the accreditation process. AZUS is present at every stage and provides support to the health care facility and its employees, necessary for continuous quality improvement of the delivered services.

AZUS aims for accreditation standards to include all levels of health care (primary, secondary and tertiary). Standards for Accreditation will be submitted to the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) for its accreditation.

Contact phone: +381(0)11-7151-722, fax: +381(0)11-7151-724, email: